
ESP8266 SDK released

ESP8266 SDK released

Please refer to 如何安装安信可一体化开发环境 for environment setup

Please refer to 如何为 ESP 系列模组烧录固件 for firmware burning

①, Boantong AT firmware


 Simple operation, any mcu can be directly connected

Download link: Boantong factory firmware

Updated: December 22, 2019

Release Notes:

  v1.7.1.0 AT Firmware, contains 8Mbit and 32Mbit versions
  Please write according to the flash size of your product

②, Anxinke Tencent Cloud AT firmware


 Can connect to Tencent Cloud

Download link: Anxinke Tencent Cloud AT Firmware

Updated: February 28 2020

③, ESP8266 MQTT transparently transmits AT firmware by default

Features: Support TLS connection

Download link: mqtt firmware

Instructions: instruction

Updated: February 21 2020

Release Notes:

  First release: IO13 is RX, IO15 is TX as AT serial port and MCU TXRX wiring connection
  Serial port 1 is used as log serial port, the default baud rate is 115200
  Use EMQ to test TCP direct connection server and AWS to test TLS connection server

④, ESP8266 MQTT transparently transmits AT firmware (AT port is changed to UART0)

Features: Support TLS connection

Download link: mqtt firmware (change)

Updated: May 9 2020

Release Notes:

  First release: UART0 is used as AT serial port to connect with MCU TXRX
  Serial port 1 is used as log serial port, the default baud rate is 115200
  Use EMQ to test TCP direct connection server and AWS to test TLS connection server

⑤, factory default AT firmware


 One instruction can connect to Anxinke cloud service
 Simple operation, any mcu can be directly connected

Download link: ai-thinker_esp8266_at_firmware_dout_v1.5.4.1-a_20171130.rar

Updated: November 30, 2017

Release Notes:

  v1.5.4.1 AT Firmware, including 8Mbit and 32Mbit versions

Note: The 1MByte flash module has insufficient memory, all AT firmware with AiCloud2.0 cannot be used, and the flash needs to be >=2MByte.

Before using the CIUPDATE command to upgrade, please make sure that the flash of the module>=2MByte!

⑥. AT docking with Ali Feiyan, Tmall Genie control general firmware


 Can dock with Ali Feiyan platform, and dock with Tmall Wizard;

Download link: Contact Business

Updated: 2020.04

Release Notes:

  Tutorial: https://aithinker.blog.csdn.net/article/details/105651819

⑦, Espressif's original SDK development


 Espressif official sdk, original taste; developed for C language;

Download link: NONOS RTOS

Updated: See the official website Lexin document

Release Notes:
