
Development tool list

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Development tool list

  1. SDK integrated development environment (IDE1.0):

   Download address: 网盘链接 Extraction code: fzfd

Updated: 2019.07.22

  Update description: Support ESP32/ESP8266

2. SDK integrated development environment (IDE1.5):

  Download address: 网盘链接 Extraction code: shm3

Updated: 2020.10.16

  Update description: Support ESP32 IDF and ESP-cam/ESP8266 NONOS 2.0 and 3.0

  3. Tool for burning WiFi firmware: ESP_DOWNLOAD_TOOL

  Download address: Burning software

Updated: 2020.8.15

  Update description: Support ESP32/ESP32-S2/ESP8266/ESP8285

  4, Anxinke serial port debugging assistant

  Download address: aithinker_serial_tool_v1.2.3.7z

Updated: 2017.2.10

  Update description: Support baud rate 74880 (V1.0) Add English support (V1.1) Fix 0x0 character escape error

  5, TCP/UDP network debugging assistant (PC version)

  Download address: tcpudpdbg.zip

Updated: 2017.7.12

  Update description: No

  6, TCP/UDP network debugging assistant

  Download address: Android version

Updated: 2020.2.23

  Update instructions: fix BUG


  7, serial port driver (windos)

  Download address: serial_driver_windos.7z

Updated: 2017.4.7

  Update instructions: CH340 and CP2102 drivers

  8, USB-T1 serial port driver (Windows/Mac_OS/Linux)

  Download address: serial_driver_windos.7z

Updated: 2018.3.9

  Update instructions: CP2102 drivers of all versions